Lesson study is not just for math. Anyone interested in seeing a job embedded professional development model for fostering high depth teacher collaboration around student learning should consider attending a session.
There will be two Ed Camp sessions (the first from 2:15 - 3:15 and the second from 3:15 - 4:15). Interested participants should plan to attend just one of the two sessions.
Session participants will use this blogpost to embark on a self-guided tour of a lesson study planning session for Algebra 1. You will need an electronic device (preferably a laptop or chromebook).
The tour itinerary will include:
- Part 1: Laying the Foundation - The tour begins with some background information about the Algebra 1 lesson study and lesson study in general. Participants will complete this in their own physical space BEFORE observing the planning session.
- Part 2: Observing the Planning Session - After completing Part 1, observe the planning session in room 28 (Cathy Guiffre's room in the middle school).
- Part 3: Reflection & Closure - After completing Part 2, participants will spend some time reflecting and complete a Google Forms closure card.