Saturday, March 4, 2017

Lesson Study Fishbowl - Ed Camp @ U32

This blogpost accompanies an Ed Camp on March 15, 2017 at U-32. The session is designed to introduce participants to the basics of lesson study and give them an opportunity to consider how the model could be used to facilitate collaboration within their own disciplines and practices.

Lesson study is not just for math. Anyone interested in seeing a job embedded professional development model for fostering high depth teacher collaboration around student learning should consider attending a session.

There will be two Ed Camp sessions (the first from 2:15 - 3:15 and the second from 3:15 - 4:15). Interested participants should plan to attend just one of the two sessions.

Session participants will use this blogpost to embark on a self-guided tour of a lesson study planning session for Algebra 1. You will need an electronic device (preferably a laptop or chromebook).
The tour itinerary will include:
  • Part 1: Laying the Foundation - The tour begins with some background information about the Algebra 1 lesson study and lesson study in general. Participants will complete this in their own physical space BEFORE observing the planning session. 
  • Part 2: Observing the Planning Session - After completing Part 1, observe the planning session in room 28 (Cathy Guiffre's room in the middle school). 
  • Part 3: Reflection & Closure - After completing Part 2, participants will spend some time reflecting and complete a Google Forms closure card.