I made some videos of the lesson that I am embedding below. As you watch them, here are some questions that may help you to frame and reflect on what you observe:
- Questioning: How does Mahesh check for understanding? How does he circle back and change his questions when a student has difficulty ("Give me ten. Make it twenty...")? What questions does Mahesh ask to promote reflection on the patterns students see?
- Language: How does Mahesh distinguish between value and digit? What math language does Mahesh use? How does he clarify the meaning of math words?
- Models: How does Mahesh move from concrete to symbolic representations and models?
- Examples: Why does Mahesh chose the numbers and examples he does? How do the examples progress to show patterns? For example, in video 2, what is the logical progression from 7 to 17 to 19 to 29 to 39 to 49 to 29 to 39 to 59 to 19 to 29 to 99?
First Grade Additive Reasoning:
Part 1: First Grade Tool Building
Part 2 & 3: First Grade Concept Building
Second Grade Additive Reasoning
Part 1: Comparing Numbers
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