Friday, March 8, 2019

Ready for a Math Program in WCSU?

In case you haven't already heard, the Elementary Math Pilot Group has recommended Ready Mathematics as a common program that we will begin using to support math instruction in grades k-6 next school year (2019-2020). In this blog post (co-written by Anne and Ellen), we address these questions:

  • What was the process we used to pilot and decide on a program for adoption in WCSU?
  • What is Ready Mathematics and what did teachers like about it?
  • What are next steps in the process?

What was the process we used to pilot and decide on a program?

This school year, a group of 17 teachers representing every elementary school and grade level in the supervisory union took on the task of reviewing and piloting programs in the hopes of finding one that will bolster the work around math instruction that has been underway the past several years. We only considered programs that had the highest ratings on - a not for profit that rates programs in terms of focus and coherence, mathematical rigor, and usability. 

The overarching goal of the pilot group was to familiarize ourselves with each program to determine whether it aligns with our WCSU performance indicators and determine if it would support teachers as they apply WCSU Effective Practices for Math Instruction.

The group met several times over the course of this school year. During those meetings, we focused on three programs: Bridges to Mathematics, Open Up Resources (grades 6-8), and Ready Mathematics. The pilot team met in grade level groups to look in depth at a unit from each program, plan one or more lessons collaboratively, and then teach and analyze using a rating tool that we developed (see here for an agenda from the January in-service, if you're curious). Additionally, the group considered looking at a fourth program (Eureka), but decided not to move forward with piloting it.

Finally, the group came together on February 20th to decide if we were ready to make a recommendation. The group decided to vote and use the majority decision with the understanding that whatever we pick would be a guide teachers could supplement with other materials (see here for the agenda, votes, and notes).

In the end, Ready Mathematics is the program that the pilot group recommended to be used by grades k-6 in WCSU.

What is Ready Mathematics and what did teachers like about it?

To get a general sense of what Ready Mathematics is all about, check out this video (it's not the best, but at least it's short).
Ready Math Overview from CA Field Sales on Vimeo.

For a little more information, you can read the program overview provided by Curriculum Associates or check out their website.
What WCSU reviewers liked:
  • The K-8 coherence with language and concept development;
  • Accessible and extendable for all students;
  • User friendly and well organized resources for teachers;
  • Strong focus on math discourse;
  • Math models similar to models we already use in WCSU;
  • Aligned with WCSU standards and performance indicators;
  • Interventions and remediation built into the program;  
  • Possibility to integrate with iReady - computer-based, personalized instruction; 
  • Lessons and interactive videos were engaging for students. 
If you're interested in reading more about WCSU teachers' experiences with the programs piloted, you can check out the summary data here.

What are next steps in the process?

This spring, we will be offering lesson studies using Ready Mathematics as a base for our collaborative planning so that those who are interested (whether they participated in the pilot or not) can get a first glimpse of this program. (Click here for more information about what lesson study is).

Tentatively, we're planning for the following lesson studies: Primary (K-2) in early May - the week of May 6-10; and Upper elementary (3-6) - the week of April 8-12.

If you are interested in participating in either of those lessons studies, please let us know by April 1. You can sign up by clicking on and submitting this Google form.

Later this spring, the math pilot group will reconvene to discuss roll out and recommendations for effective use of the program. This will be informed by the experience we have using the program through the lesson studies.

Additionally, Curriculum Associates will provide use with training and support. All teachers of mathematics will participate in a half day of training with Curriculum Associates. Jen is still working out the details, but tentatively this will happen on the last in-service day in June. Jen is also looking into the possibility of providing a half day option during the August in-service.

On a separate note, our Title I eligible schools (Berlin and Doty) may be able to try out iReady (the computer-based personalized learning component that can be purchased for $30 per student) for intervention and progress monitoring this spring and next year on a pilot basis.

In closing ...

Finally, and most importantly, we want to tell you that we are very excited to be embarking on this next step towards improving math outcomes for our students with you. We believe that this program will support our math teachers in a way that will still ensure that their professional knowledge, judgment, and creativity remain at the forefront of their instructional planning and decision-making.

If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, please email Ellen (, Anne (, and/or Jen (

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